What Drives You Crazy?

What do the children do in your classroom that drives you crazy? I know for me there is probably a list that could envy a child’s Christmas wish list. It drove me crazy after the hundredth singing of Baby Shark, or Let It Go. I think I was singing them in my sleep. I would find myself humming them while I worked. Crazy!

children singing

But, do you know what didn’t drive me crazy? That the teachers allowed and even encouraged the children to sing their favorite songs, to express themselves in dancing to the songs, and to never appear tired of them. They let the children drive the happenings in the classroom even when it derailed an activity they had planned for the day.

Letting children have control over aspects of the classroom and daily activities builds a sense of community and belonging in the classroom. As humans, we crave connection and acceptance. It also allows children to build leadership qualities; “Hey, let’s sing Baby Shark.” Most importantly, it builds the relationships between children and teachers, and child to child.

So what’s driving you crazy? Is it something you can embrace instead of squash? Does it actually have an underlying positive effect on your classroom?