5 Simple Ways to Connect with Children

All teachers of young children seek to create connections with each of the children in their care. Forming that connection not only makes teaching more enjoyable, but has numerous positive effects. Children learn best when they feel safe and connected with the teacher. Challenging behaviors diminish when children feel a part of the classroom community and feel connected to their teacher.

Connecting with children start on day one, however, building deeper connections happen every day. Here are 5 simple ways to connect everyday with the children in your care. 

Greet each child by name

As children enter your room each day, greet the child by name first, then greet the adult. 

Invite child into play

Invite the child into the room and suggest areas of play they may like. 

Find one thing you have in common with the child 

Maybe you like the same color, or both have a dog. These are things you can ask or comment on during the day. 

Ask the child to help you

Most children love to be helpers. Having a child help gives the child a sense of importance and connection. 

Read one on one with the child

Nap time is the perfect time to spend a little one-on-one time reading with the child.